1.what is synthesis
2.synthesis input files
3.goals of synthesis
4.synthesis process
5. .synthesis output files
6.Types of synthesis
“ Synthesis
transforms the RTL code of design modules into a gate-level netlist”.
Important: This
stage performs logic, area, power optimization, and scan insertion.
Synthesis input files:
1. Timing library (.lib or
2. Physical Library (lef,
3. SDC
4. RTL
5. DEF (For Physical aware
6. TLU+(Synopsys),
Qrc(cadence) file
7. UPF
Goal of Synthesis:
1. Logic optimization with
good QoR
2. Scan insertion (DFT)
3. Netlist generation
4. Logical equivalence
check should be preserved between the RTL and netlist
1. LIB: The timing library
(.lib) contains information related to the timing, power, and area of standard
cells. It also contains different PVT characterizations of cells.
2. LEF: LEF represents the
physical information of metal and via, standard cell, and macro.
3. RTL: It’s a descriptive
code written in HDL format.
4. SDC: It represents the
design constraint.
5. DEF: DEF file contains
the placement information of macro, pre-placed cells, IO ports, block size, and
blockages. Mainly used for the Physical Aware synthesis.
6. UPF: UPF file is
required to describe the power intent of the design including the power domain,
level shifter, isolation cell, and retention registers.
The synthesis process can be divided into three stages:
1. Translation
2. Optimization
3. Mapping
At this stage, it reads the RTL code, and this RTL code is
converted into modules as per its logical hierarchy. Once it has all logical
Boolean representation loaded, the tool maps logic with a
technology-independent cell called the Gtech cell.
During elaboration, the tool checks whether the design is
unique, if not, it stops the tool. Once the design becomes unique, the tool
checks for unresolved references in the design. If it has linking issues, then
an RTL correction is required, or you need to check if it is due to any missing
libraries. After elaboration, it checks for timing loops in design. If you find
any timing loop, you need to get RTL correction done by the designer.
Compile and optimization
After elaboration, in the compilation stage, the tool maps the
Gtech cell with the actual cell (specific technology dependent) from the
library. Actual cell mapping is dependent on the design constraints or
user-specific constraints. Apart from this, the tool removes the registers with
constant propagation/unloaded which are not required in the design. If these
removed cells are required, then you need to provide feedback to the designer
to get the correct RTL.
After elaboration and compilation, the tool performs
optimizations based on user constraints to meet timing, area, and power
Outputs :
“A qualified netlist with scan insertion and good QoR in terms
of timing, power, and area.”
Other outputs are updated DEF, UPF, and SDC.
1. UPF: The output UPF is
the updated version of the input UPF. At the synthesis stage, it performs logic
optimization that introduces new power intents. So, we are generating UPF with
this update after synthesis.
2. DEF: While performing
Physical Aware synthesis, we also generate the DEF file, which contains macro
and standard cell placement information. This DEF is directly used in physical
implementation that, avoids placement of the cell from scratch, hence, we can
save run time.
3. SDC: The output SDC is
the updated version of the input SDC. At the synthesis stage, we use constraints
provided by the designer. Additionally, we use certain local constraints to
improve the overall QoR of design. Thus, the SDC with this update is generated
after synthesis.
Types of Synthesis:
1. Logical Synthesis
Logical synthesis is a
conventional synthesis, that processes the HDL (Verilog or VHDL) design and
generates gate level netlist. During this process, the compiler optimizes the
design based on predefined constraints.
2. Physical Aware Synthesis
Physical Aware synthesis
requires additional floorplan DEF as an input. Floorplan DEF contains physical
information like IO ports placements, macro placement information, blockages
information and die area information. Additionally, we use RC co-efficient file
as one of the inputs to compute a more accurate wire delay values compared to
the WLM (Wire Load Model) method.
Advantages of Physical Aware
1. Better PPA (Power,
Performance, Area).
2. Better timing
correlation with PNR.
3. Better turnaround time
(reduces the number of iterations).
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