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 Outlined the tasks involved in the floorplanning phase of the chip design process. Here's a detailed breakdown of the steps. 1]Invoke the Tool 2]Open the Library and Block Created 3]Perform Sanity Checks 4]Create a Floorplan Define the core utilization, aspect ratio (width vs. height), chip shape, and space between the core and the die area. 5]Placing the I/O Ports 6]Placing Macros into the Core Area: 7]Set Keepout Margin and Fix the Macros 8]Add End Cap Cells 9]Add Tap Cells  10] Check Legality POWER PLANNING :  The power planning stage is a critical step in chip design, laying the groundwork for efficient and reliable power delivery throughout the chip. It's like building a robust power grid for your miniature city of transistors!  Goals of Power Planning: 1]Provide Efficient Power Supply to each component in the design 2]Power grid should meet the set IR drop targets. 3]Power grid should meet all EM targets. 4]Power grid should be optimal in terms of resource usage. Tasks I
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Sanity Checks

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  In a   VLSI design , floorplan is the crucial stage in which chip area, size and shape of the chip can be determined. Floorplan is iterative process. When designer is done with the floorplan, the next step is to run placement and optimization, after completion of placement and optimization designer would analyse the congestion map, cell density and timing reports, before moving to next stage i.e. Clock Tree Synthesis. This article discusses about the various approaches to reduce congestion and timing violation by modifying floorplan at block level. The design complexity is increasing as the number of transistors on a chip is increasing. So, in the   VLSI design flow , Physical design plays a very important role. Floorplanning is the starting step in the physical design flow. The main concern of floorplanning is to find the appropriate location of the module on the layout surface on the basis of interconnectivity. While determining the locations, one important check involved is that t


  Congestion in VLSI (Very large-scale Integration) design refers to the circumstance when the number of routing tracks is less than the required routing tracks. These routing resources are used to connect all the required wires between the different components of the design. PnR tool highlights congested areas as red hotspots, as depicted in figure 1. As the complexity of the design increases, congestion has become a major issue in chip design that requires careful consideration and optimization to ensure that the design meets the required timing, power, and area constraints. Fig-1 Congestion report: GRC: The term GRC is an abbreviation of Global Routing Cells. During the initial placement, the core area gets divided into equally sized small squares called GRC. Overflow total: The summation of the total number of overflow routes for all GRCs. In the above report, it is 1,384,599.Overflow Max: “Both Dirs” means combined results for both horizontal and vertical routing directions. Max i